Carol’s Fate? A Walking Dead Prediction

ImageThe sympathetic little girl that tried to humanize the zombies –by giving them names– might be the one feeding the zombies. Why? Well follow me here… If they have names, then they might as well be people, and if they’re people –in her mind– then people need to be fed. I’m talking about the girl that said girl’s sister said was “messed up”, rather than weak. She quickly corrected Carol, after Carol had asserted that the older sibling was weak. That “messed up” girl watched Carol kill her father before she could even reconcile his state, that “messed up” girl also took a large blade from Carol toward the end of the episode, lulling Carol into this belief that the “messed up” little girl had come to her senses and now has an understanding, but she hasn’t, and I do believe that we’re going to experience the irony of a woman (Carol) dying at the hands of a legacy she tried to leave by empowering those little rascals with Chris Hemsworth Huntsman abilities. Her effort to fortify and strengthen her people might result i

n her death. She should’ve taken heed to the little girl’s warning when she stated that her sister was “messed up”, rather than weak. In a show where dialogue is scarce, everything spoken and unspoken carries the weight of intent. And their intention behind Carol’s current character-arc within the story is quite clear. Carol is leaving a legacy, and she will probably get murdered by the one who doesn’t not understand the meaning of it. So, yes, Carol has come full circle as a character… and when a circle is complete… well. I’m @TravantiQuinn. Feel free to share your thoughts or predictions.

About Travanti

I'm an actor, satirist (read that slowly, or you could get the wrong idea), comedic writer (contingent upon who finds my work funny), & macro/microcosmic social commentator. An alum of the University of Louisville, and Syracuse University (Newhouse Television Radio & Film M.S.)... aren't I being shockingly cavalier about it all?

Posted on October 25, 2013, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Carol’s Fate? A Walking Dead Prediction.

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